666 | NERO | Is SATAN'S BEAST SYSTEM Being Introduced NOW? Are the Globalists Trying to Reintroduce the NERO'S Roman Empire? What Does Revelation 17:11 Mean? + AI, CERN, CBDCs & The Mark of the Beast
ROME | Elon Musk, Caesar Nero, Club of Rome, Revelation 17:8, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Number 42, "The Long-Term Aspiration of Neuralink Would Be to Achieve Symbiosis With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Did Tucker Carlson Ask, "Is Any News Organization So Corrupt That Is Willing to Hurt You for Their Biggest Advertisers?" + NERO, Artificial Intelligence, Merging Humanity w/ AI, CERN, CBDCs, BRICs & The Mark of the Be
ROME | (Part 2) Pope, Womb of ISIS, Obelisk, Elon Musk, Caesar Nero, Club of Rome, Rev 17:8, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #42, "Long-Term Aspiration of Neuralink Would Be to Achieve Symbiosis w/ Artificial Intelligence." - Musk
Western Journal Founder Floyd Brown | Is SATAN'S BEAST SYSTEM Being Introduced NOW? Are the Globalists Trying to Reintroduce the NERO'S Roman Empire? What Does Revelation 17:11 Mean? + AI, CERN, CBDCs & The Mark of the Beast
Nero Caesar | Is There a Name That Equals Both 666 & 616? Revelation 17-8 "The Beast, Which You Saw, Once Was, Now Is Not And Yet Will Come Up Out of the Abyss." "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Mus
I baroni delle armi dell'Ucraina RT DOCUMENTARIO(2024) l'Ucraina si è guadagnata l'ambito titolo di essere il più grande mercato nero di armi oltre che il Paese più corrotto del mondo
Viaggio nella Puglia del caporalato agricolo in MERDALIA💩 DOCUMENTARIO ricordiamo ai politicanti di MERDALIA che sono decenni che esiste il caporalato dove i braccianti agricoli stranieri e italiani vengo sfruttati,lavorano in nero e sottopagati