Lawmakers Pass Bill To Eliminate State Income Tax/Declassified JFK Files: Transcript Reveals Israeli Scientists and US Experts May Have Played Roles in Transfer of Nuclear Intelligence to Israel
DOGE Exposes 14 Federal ‘Magic Money Computers’ That ‘Make Money Out of Thin Air’/Trump Orders Media Outlet That Has ‘Pushed Divisive Propaganda for Years’ to Be ‘Eliminated to the Maximum Extent’
Pres Duterte’s Defiant Stand Ends in Shock Arrest: Globalist Enforcers Seize the Anti-NWO Crusader/Israel Declares An Indefinite Military Presence In Syria/Texas man who attacked passenger on flight to DC said he was ‘mad’ at Trump
NBC Poll Shows Just 7% of Americans Have a ‘Very’ Favorable Opinion of the Dem Party/Secret FDIC Banker Meeting EXPOSED: “I almost think you’d scare the public if you put this out