General Flynn | Why Is Iraq Banning the U.S. Dollar? Breaking Down Musk’s 2023 Interview with the Babylon Bee | What Is Elon Musk’s Vision for the Future of Twitter, Automobiles, Space, mRNA & What Is Vaccine Nanotechnology?
Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 “vaccines”, as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday
Elon Musk | "The Only Action needed to Solve Climate Change Is a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Why Are Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari Calling for a Carbon Tax, mRNA Modifying Nanotechnology Vaccines, Self-Driving Cars & UBI?
Great Reset | Is Vaccine Nanotechnology Here? Smart Dust Biosensors, Chemtrail Disperal & Manipulating the VMAT2 Gene? "Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab
Graphene | "By 2030 Smartphones Will Be Built Into Bodies." - Pekka Lundmark (Nokia CEO) | What Is Patent US-9539-210B2? Vaccine Nanotechnology | GA Tech Produces First Working, Scalable Semiconductor Created from Graphene (1/4/2024)