Kash Patel | Kash Patel Shares Truth About The Government Gangsters, Made In China by Aaron Lewis, Truth Social Updates, Trump Case Goes Supreme Court, Sen. McConnell On Way Out as Majority Leader, & Hunter Updates
Jack Smith | Jack Smith Florida Case Stalls: Roger Stone and Alex Jones Respond + Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed & UnVaxxed + Is Their Justice Or Is Their Just Us? With Attorney Tricia Lindsay
Bird Flu | Bird Is the Word? CDC Launching Wastewater Dashboard to Track Bird Flu Virus Spread? “Bird Flu Jumps from Cow to Human, First Case” - ScienceAlert.com + “Highly pathogenic avian flu found in NYC birds.” - NYPost
Gold | "$10k Gold on the Horizon?" - Kitco.com (May 22nd 2024) + "You Could Make a Case for $5-7K Gold. There Have Been Several Times Where Every Dollar of U.S. Currency Was Backed By $1.40 Worth of Gold." - Kitco.com
GOLD | "What's the Worse Case And We Get Close to Financial Collapse And It's A Certain Bank That Goes Down? Ok, the Law Still Applies, Everyone That Has An Account There Gets Bailed In." - David Morgan + What Are Bail-Ins?
General Flynn | Navarro Prison Update, Eric Trump On Trump Trial, “This Is a Coup to Take Over America & to Turn America Into a Communist Regime.” Bird Flu Case In Michigan? "$10k Gold on the Horizon?" - Kitco.com (5/22/24)