ARIES ♈️ April 2023 — Earning & Learning YOUR POWER, But do Stay Humble and Avoid Self-Sabotage.. + MASSIVE Healing Coming, on Multiple Dimensions! (Rather Convoluted “Saga” and Somewhat Challenging Reading for Me to do)
"Not Everyone Can go, Alex!" Roseanne on Alex Jones 3/4/23 (She Arrives at 1:25:00) | Historical “Team-Up”, LITERALLY with Ideas on How to Build New Earth — ROSEANNE IS ON FIRE!
Reality Transurfing: Everyone Gets What They Are, Thus Everyone Gets What They Choose! (An EXPANDED View of Law of Attraction) — Audiobook by Vadim Zeland | WE in 5D: LITERALLY What I’d Fall Asleep to for OVER A YEAR to Manifest My Florida Home!
LITERALLY ABOUT TO HAPPEN to More and More People if The Illuminati Have Their Way: Two Women and a Child Develop Mysterious Illness After UFO Encounter! | UNSOLVED MYSTERIES
Abraham Hicks—Most TRUTHERS are This: Christ Consciousness Vs. The Illuminati Control System That MOST (Even Anti-Illuminati) People Adhere and Conform to in [SUBCONSCIOUS] Appeasement of Their Ego! (That's Literally Most "Truthers")
👀 ...........Some of the Woo-Woo Crowd Up in Here (Yeah, Right HERE) Literally Walk This Line. Don't Do This to Yourself. Ask Self: "When Am I Lying to Myself?.." Even if it's Not About My Gender. | Not-So Comic Relief
Chat Of The Decade: Full Infowars Coverage/Analysis with Alex Jones and Crew! | Historic Interview on Twitter/X Starts 40 min Late LITERALLY Due to Illuminati Cyber Attack—A Separate Fact From Alex Coming in 1 Hour From the Start of This Video (8/12/24)
Gaslight (1944 Full Movie) — Literally the Origin of the Super-Used Term "Gaslighting"! | The 1944 American version has more back-story and padding while the 1940 British version sticks closely to Patrick Hamilton's more suspenseful play.
Gaslight (1940 Full Movie) — Literally the Origin of the Super-Used Term "Gaslighting"! | The 1940 British version is more streamlined and suspenseful than the American MGM version of 1944, as it sticks closely to Patrick Hamilton's play.
There are LITERALLY Countries Around the World Who Live Closer to the Vibration and Technology of Atlantis and Tartaria—The U.S. is Shamefully Not Even Close, and That is BY DESIGN. Not Only Since 2020 to Now, BUT FROM THE MILLISECOND THE U.S. WAS BORN.
James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign—THIS is How You Confront the Illuminati's Homegrown [Literally] No-Soul #BackfillPeople.