Kari Lake on Trump: "He's all about We the People, and this is a movement of We the People, and he brought the people back into politics. And the establishment on both sides don't want that."
Maricopa County ADMITS It BROKE THE LAW & Has NO REPORTS To Verify Their “Claimed” Amount Of How Many Voters Checked-In At The Polls Nov 8 + REPUBLICANS KNEW IT – Gina Swoboda AZGop, RNC, MCRC, Asst AG, Kari Lake’s Attys & Team!
Kari Lake: "If they're not calling you all of these slurs, if they're not attacking you, then you're probably not truly representing the people of your country."
ELECTION FRAUD & BROKEN LAWS Exposed In Maricopa County, AZ! NEVER Brought To The Courts! Help Us HOLD KARI LAKE & ABE HAMADEH Accountable & DEMAND They File A RULE 60B6 + Our Evidence To SET ASIDE The ’22 Election & Take Back America!