7 Years until Expropriation: EU draft Law Threatens Property Owners! (???????) The time is come for everyone of us, to COMPREHEND THE LAW, so that we can STAND OUR GROUND AGAINST THIS CORPORATE GLOBALIST ASSAULT ON OUR LIVES, RIGHTS, & LIVELIHOOD!
Marshall U: Jezebel Witch Tries To Stop My Preaching To All the Little Children Gathered on Campus For A Friday Festival, I Rebuke Her and Her Ahab Lackey, Woman in Blue Filled With the Holy Spirit Blesses Me, Sinners Crank Up Their Satanic Music
VIDEO 149 (oh fx 150 hatrikkk) hehehehe OH FX KATES BROWN SAWSE IS SPREADIN hello tommy robison- ur lot like been used as stupid peeps been lied to by the skrubber kate? r ur lot stupid thus being played tommy Robinson or condoners of abuse-royal abuser