Climate Change | Remember Leonard Nimoy & the Mainstream Media Discussing Climate Cooling? "During the Lifetime of Our Grandchildren Arctic Cold and Perpetual Snow Could Turn Most of Our Inhabitable Planet Into a Polar Desert?"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do Obama, Gates, Zuckerberg & Schwab Celebrate Yuval Noah Harari? Why Does the WEF, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, New York Times, TED, Natalie Portman, James Corden and the Mainstream Media All Love Yuval Noah Harari and His Vision?
377: How To Beat The Demons At The Midterms & Win The Spiritual War...PRAY, PLAN & TAKE ACTION! Sacha Stone, Scott McKay - Patriot Streetfighter, Mel K, Michele Swinick - Special Election Fraud Prevention Event - Time To Ban The Voting Machines!
Joe Rogan | Interviews Mark Zuckerberg | "I Don't Think You're Going to Have a Wild West Version of Social Media Where You're Just Allowing Terrorism The Taliban Is On Twitter, But Donald Trump Isn't."