The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 04.18.24 | "From That Time Jesus Began to Preach, And to Say, Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand." - Matthew 4:17 (King James) + What Is Patent US10703789B2?
Univ of Maryland: Major Spiritual Breakthrough, Contend w/ Two Different Christians Who Excuse Sin & It Helps Me Draw A Crowd of About 22-25 Students, Then Orthodox Jew Asks About Ezekiel Temple, I Preach On How Jesus Is In All 7 Lev 23 Feast Days!
Friday Night Shabbat: As Jesus Continues To Exalt My Righteous Horn And Continues to Rebuke You Wicked Sinners Who Oppose Me, I Rejoice in How He Delivers Me From All My Afflictions!!!! Jesus and His Father ARE SO GOOD TO ME DANIEL LEE!!!
Montclaire University: 3 Young Men Eager To Be Preachers Are Offended When I Rebuke A Loud Mouthed Jezebel, I Stomp On the Koran, Minister To A Humble Roman Catholic Student, Martin Seeks How To Be Born Again -- HUGE VICTORY IN JESUS!!!!
Special 6th New Moon Teaching: Jeremiah 6, 7 & 8 & How It Compares to the USA -- Calling Out Kris & Brenda, Bogdan & Anca, Jeff May, Tara Myers, Deborah Wood, Rob and Kirstin Betts, Gary and Susan Crandall & Many of You Subscribers!
University of Pittsburgh: Preaching In The Snow, Contending w/ A Lesbian, Angry Sinner Yells In My Face, Humble Student Asks Questions, A Jew Asks How To Be Born Again
Elijah Harrod Is In Sin, Matthew Is Sin, Calling Out Preacher Kerrigan Skelly For Refusing To Keep The 7th Day Shabbat -- The 4th Commandment In Scripture -- Kerrigan Is In Sin -- Calling ALL Street Preachers To Repent of Breaking the 4th Commandment