1. Julie Green | A Special Thanksgiving Message! Who Actually Gives Us Our Freedom & Liberty? + Why Great Persecution Precedes Great Promotion, Why We Must Stand Firm On the Word of GOD, 2nd Corinthians 2:14, Julie’s Story & Inside Julie’s Schedu

    Julie Green | A Special Thanksgiving Message! Who Actually Gives Us Our Freedom & Liberty? + Why Great Persecution Precedes Great Promotion, Why We Must Stand Firm On the Word of GOD, 2nd Corinthians 2:14, Julie’s Story & Inside Julie’s Schedu

  2. STORIES FROM SOL THE GUN DOG - Worth Playing? Gameplay & First Impressions

    STORIES FROM SOL THE GUN DOG - Worth Playing? Gameplay & First Impressions

  3. Green Text Radio - Scary stories and sci-fi ambiance

    Green Text Radio - Scary stories and sci-fi ambiance

  4. Green Text Radio - Deep sea stories and sci-fi ambiance

    Green Text Radio - Deep sea stories and sci-fi ambiance

  5. Devin Nunes | With Doctor McCullough & Julie Green | Why Will Government Not Approve TRUTH to Gain Access to Public Markets? Why Did Biden’s Health Admin Vow to Strip Medicaid Funding from Providers Who Refuse Transgender Surgeries?

    Devin Nunes | With Doctor McCullough & Julie Green | Why Will Government Not Approve TRUTH to Gain Access to Public Markets? Why Did Biden’s Health Admin Vow to Strip Medicaid Funding from Providers Who Refuse Transgender Surgeries?

  6. Yuval Noah Harari | "A Constitution Can Never Interpret Itself. You Need a Supreme Court to Interpret the Constitution, Or It At Least This Was How It Was Until A.I. Can Also Potentially Interpret Stories & Texts By Itself." - 6/20/23

    Yuval Noah Harari | "A Constitution Can Never Interpret Itself. You Need a Supreme Court to Interpret the Constitution, Or It At Least This Was How It Was Until A.I. Can Also Potentially Interpret Stories & Texts By Itself." - 6/20/23

  7. Human Rights | "Most Legal Systems Today Are Based On the Idea of Human Rights, But Human Rights Are A Fictional Story Just Like the Stories About God & Heaven. If You Take a Human & Cut Him Open You Don't Find Human Rights Inside."

    Human Rights | "Most Legal Systems Today Are Based On the Idea of Human Rights, But Human Rights Are A Fictional Story Just Like the Stories About God & Heaven. If You Take a Human & Cut Him Open You Don't Find Human Rights Inside."

  8. BREAKING💥 The Bone-Chilling Reason A Green Beret Used A Tesla To Expose Government Secrets

    BREAKING💥 The Bone-Chilling Reason A Green Beret Used A Tesla To Expose Government Secrets

  9. Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About the U.S. Presidential Race In 2024 & Try to Imagine the Impact of the New A.I. Tools That Can Mass Produce Fake News Stories & Even Holy Scriptures." "We Are Talking About the End of Human History.&q

    Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About the U.S. Presidential Race In 2024 & Try to Imagine the Impact of the New A.I. Tools That Can Mass Produce Fake News Stories & Even Holy Scriptures." "We Are Talking About the End of Human History.&q
