BLACK & BLACK LATINO WOMEN WORKING 9-5 JOBS, STRUGGLING & HOMELESS: CATCHING HELL HEADED INTO HYPERINFLATION. “but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord” 🕎Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 “Two are better than one”
HUSBAND CHARGED IN MURDER OF MISSING NEWPORT NEWS WOMAN…. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” 🕎Ecclesiasticus 26:23 “A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him”
“I DONT CARE ABOUT BODY COUNTS IF I’M READY TO FUCK I’M READY TO FUCK...I WILL NEVER TELL THE TRUTH”🕎 Ecclesiasticus 26:23 “A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord.”