In a tense interview, Fox host Martha MacCallum can't believe Biden's National Security Advisor Kirby outrageous response to drone question: "Why doesn’t the US government know?! This is shocking! How can you stand there?.."
Kamala turns into a bumbling mess during an interview with Telemundo: "Latinos care about bringing down costs of groceries. I know that Latino men have a more difficult time having access. I talk with Latino voters every day."
Kamala Harris doesn’t answer a single question, wags her finger & yells in her trainwreck interview on Fox News: "You know and I both know what I’m talking about!" Bret Baier: "I actually don’t. What are you talking about?"
A train wreck Kamala goes to another scripted interview to deliver more cackles: "When Biden told me he was dropping out of the race I got a pork roast and started marinating it, ha ha ha ha!"