2 years agoMassive Swarm: The bees decide to split themselves and leave the blue hive. Flow hive is filling up!Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoMassive Swarm: The bees decide to split themselves and leave the blue hive. Flow hive is filling up!Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoYellow Flow Hive Inspection - Looking for the queen. Marking the queen. Prevent the next swarm.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
3 months agoAdding NUCS to our hives to replace our lost package | INSTALLING a NUC packageBusyGardenLife
1 year agoFeeding the Bee Castle Yard and clearing out hive beetles. #beekeeping #bees #hobby #beekeeping101Bug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoThe Queen in a Pinch | Flow Hive Inspection #beekeeping #insects #8K #flowhiveBug Farmer Beekeeping