GOLD | Banking Collapse 101- BRICS, CBDC, Bank Term Funding Program, Blank-Cheque, Dodd-Frank, Bail-Ins, Deposits, FDIC, Regional & Small Bank Failures Consolidation, "There Will Be Bank Failures." - U.S. Fed Chair
Pastor Todd Coconato | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Being Pushed By Late Night Mainstream TV? “(BTFP Ends) There Will Be Bank Failures.” - Jerome Powell (U.S. Fed Chair) + What Is Artificial Intelligence? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari?
Bank Term Funding Program | What Are Bail-Ins?! What Happens When the BTFP Ends March 11th 2024? "There Will Be Bank Failures." - 3/7/24 Jerome Powell / U.S. Fed Chair + Dodd–Frank Act + Bank Term Funding Program 101
BRICS | Is the World Moving Away from the U.S. Dollar? "I've Got a BAD FEELING About This." Including: There Will Be Bank Failures." - U.S. Fed Chair, BRICS, CBDC, Bank Term Funding Program, Blank-Cheque, Dodd-Frank, Bail-Ins
Andy Schectman | Banking Collapse 101: BRICS, CBDC, Bank Term Funding Program, Blank-Cheque, Dodd-Frank, Bail-Ins, Deposits, FDIC, Regional & Small Bank Failures Consolidation, "There Will Be Bank Failures." - U.S. Fed Chair