Sold Their Soul to Satan | Did These 10 Celebrities & Music Artists Sell Their Soul to Satan? Discover the TRUTH About Beyonce, Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, Ellie Goulding, Katy Perry, Lil Nas X, Prince, Etc. Why Was Hollywood Created?
Culture War | California Creates State Mandated Kidnapping | Guest: Annabella Rockwell | Adult Drag Queen Shows Permitted for Children in Florida | “Focusing on the Law Specifically is the Way That Change Can Be Made”
Amanda Grace | Breaking Down the Battle Being Waged for America’s Soul Including: RNC’s Updated Stance On Marriage & Abortion + President Trump Dodged a Bullet, Amber Rose 101, & Satanists Endorsing Abortion?
Hollywood | Have Celebrities Actually Sold Their Soul In Order to Reach the Top of the Industry? Where Does the Name Hollywood Come From? What Is the Hollywood Path to Promotion? What Happened to Taylor Swift? Who Is Harvey Weinstein?