WOKE | Woke Pastors | How Woke Are America's Leading Pastors? Is Wide Gate Theology Leading the American Church? What Is Andy Stanley Saying During His Church Services? Why Is TD Jakes Promoting Anthony Fauci?
Doctrines of Devils | (EXTENDED Edition) Andy Stanley 101 | Did Bible Predict This Would Happen? | 1st Tim 4: "Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, In the Latter Times Some Shall Depart from the Faith, Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits & Doctrines of
Doctrines of Devils | (SHORT VERSION) Andy Stanley 101 | Did Bible Predict This Would Happen? | 1st Tim 4: "Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, In the Latter Times Some Shall Depart from the Faith, Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits & Doctrines of De
Andy Stanley | Andy Stanley Shares His Theological Views On Infidelity. Homosexuality, Mean Cheating On Their Wives with Other Men, Church Membership Etc. | "PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS, I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU." - Clay Clark
The Federal Reserve | “The Biggest Scam They Have Is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Is Not Owned By the American People, It Is Owned By 24 Prime Brokers, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley. How Does That Work? ” - Steve Bannon