Yuval Noah Harari | "Many of Things I Talk About And People In the West React With Apprehension and FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topic Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!" - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)
Great Reset | The Connection Between The World Economic Forum, Yuval Noah Harari, Xi Jinping, Klaus Schwab & The Great Reset Agenda "Many of the Things I Talk About In the West React w/ Fear, In China the Reaction Excitement. WOW, We Can Do That
Christine Anderson (European Union Member) | Are Criminal Investigations Actually Underway Into Pfizer and the European Union? + The Inventor the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Tests Explains How They Can Be Used to Falsely Inflate Positive COVID-19 Case
Yuval Noah Harari | China | "Many of the Things I Talk About and People In the West React with Fear, In China the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topics Is Excitement. WOW, We Can Do That!"
Klaus Schwab | The CHINESE Model Is a Very Attractive Model for a Quite a Number of Countries & Many of the Things That I Talk About and People In the West React with Apprehension and Fear In CHINA the Reaction
Yuval Noah Harari | China | "Many of the Things I Talk About and People In the West React with Fear, In China the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topics Is Excitement."
Tony Fauci & Intentional Misuse of Karry Mullis' Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests | Could There Be Connection Between Those Two? "Fauci Doesn't Mind Going On Television & Lie Directly Into the Camera." - Karry Mullis
CBDC | Is Pfizer a Chinese-German Owned Company? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Things I Talk About And People In The West React W/ Apprehension & FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!?"
Dr. Fauci | Who Is the REAL Anthony Fauci? | How PCR / Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests Were Used to Inflate the Number of COVID-19 Cases and to Push the Use of Toxic AZT Drug to Treat Aids Patients