12 days ago⏏️#WorldWar 3 - 🔥✈️ #Russian Su-27 jet Intercepts #NATO F-15 Approaching #Tu-22M3 #Russia #WAR ⏏️VincentFuscoQ
8 months agoRusslands Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB vereitelt Entführung von Überschallbomber Tu-22M3 in UkraineRT DEVerified
5 months agoA spectacular landing of Tupolev Tu-22M3,Um pouso espetacular de um Tupolev Tu-22M3AntonioDaviRBrito
1 year ago⚡️🇷🇺 Tu-22M3 and MiG-31 equipped with the Dagger carried out flights...deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
7 months ago💥Another view of the crashed Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bomber. This planeWar in UkraineVerified
1 year agoA spectacular landing of Tupolev Tu-22M3,Um pouso espetacular de um Tupolev Tu-22M3AntonioDaviRBrito
7 months agoThe Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bomber crashed in the Cheremkhiv district ofWar in UkraineVerified
2 years agoTu-22M3 Backfire : The Russian Bomber That Could Sink a Navy Aircraft Carrier - MilTecMilitary Technologies, Innovations & Future Weapons
1 year agoFlight of Tu-22M3 long-range bomber and Tu-160 strategic missile carrierRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
10 months agoFINALLY!!! Putin's supersonic bomber Tu-22 drops massive bombsdeNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
2 years agoRussian long-range supersonic missile-bombers Tu-22M3 launch cruise missiles Kh-22/32jimmyli0011
2 years agoLong-range heavy bomber Tu-22M3 of the Russian Aerospace Forces goes to Azovstal in MariupolRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified