Israel Confirms We Are Close to Daniel 9:27 Covenant, Trump's Tech Oligarchs, Ukraine Threatens To Cut Off Gas To Europe In Bid To Force Its Hand, 1968 90 Year Old Woman Prophecy, Trump's Bid for Greenland/Canada & 10 Kings In Revelation
Israel's National Security Minister & 1500 Jews Ascend Temple Mount on 9th of Av Defying Authorities, 14 Airlines Cancel Flights to Israel & Middle East, Youtube CEO Struck Dead by Yah, Iran Rejects European Call For Restraint, Prophetic Word
Satanist and Pedophile Donald Trump Keeps Deceiving More and More Christians, Christians Keep Watching Porn, Israel Attacks Iran, Kamala The Perfect Villian To Propel Wicked Trump Into Power, Judgment Is Coming To The USA Very Soon
Israel Pummels Hezbollah Terrorists, Spiritual Application of Israel's Current War, US Law Makers Seek To Pass Mass Casualty Amendment, Anons Continue In Their Insane Worship of Trump, Jesus Hates So Many Of You Hypocrites Psalm 5:5, The 144,000
The Daniel 9:27 Covenant & Trump, Netanyahu Speech & Israel Earthquake, The Black Box/Cube, Quantum D-Wave Computing, The Simpsons Predict President Ivanka Trump, Biden's Recorded Speech, Two Pillars of Freemasonry & Purple Rain
Dream From Subscriber Confirms What Holy Spirit Told Me: Trump Will Allow Russia & China To Nuke The USA, Trump's Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of the Covenant, The Original Land Grant Given For Israel, Sukkot Enforced By Jesus In 1000 Year Reign
14 US Ships in Middle East, Iran Backs Down, Mockery of Trump Fulfills Daniel 11:21 Confirming Trump Is the Son of Perdition, CERN & I Pet Goat 2, Don Jr. Calls for Elon Musk, Earthquake Rattles L.A., The 3rd Temple, Isaiah 50:10-11
Q Stating They Are Saving Israel For Last Fits Into Biblical Prophecy of Beast vs Whore, The Utter Insanity of Anon Posts Involving Trump Assassination Attempt, Iran Gives Hezbollah EMP Weapons, Kamala Supposedly Beating Trump In Polls, Resources For You