The TRAP in the Self-Improvement Journey?? The Direct Path Vs. The Indirect Path: 2 Spiritual Methods Explained! — Aaron Abke | WE in 5D: Goes Well with the Opening Monologue of My Recent Full Moon in Leo 1/25/24 Collective Reading.
Christianity Before The Council of Nicaea (Krystics) — What is Ahrimanic, Luciferian, and Kryst Consciousness; and What is Meant by: The Middle Path? + Reincarnation, Chakras, Sexuality, and More! | Aubrey Marcus Interviews Dr. Robert Gilbert
Wall Street Uses Tarot Readers? Barrie Dolnick: “Billionaires Use Metaphysics, Millionaires Don’t! I Have a Gift in Prophecy, But it’s a 2-Way Street.. it’s Up to You.” | Nostradamus: “The Reasonable Learn From My Prophecies THE RIGHT PATH!”
Quicken the Harmony Between You Both by Allowing Them Their Path of Experiential Learning Rather Than Over-Insisting They do it Your Way. ONE [EVEN NO] SUGGESTION IS ENOUGH. | Bashar on Why There’s No Need for That, Nor is it in Their Best Interest!
Jim Self on Forgiveness & Reconciliation, Your Inner -or- Internal Guidance System, and Free Will Vs. Predetermined Path—Which You Picked via Free Will; AKA “Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?” and “Why has God no Beginning and no End?
If You’re Looking for a Fortune Teller—That’s unFortunate. No Matter How Good They Are They Cannot be Tested for You [in Your Place]. A Lesson Not Learned is to Repeat the Lesson, Thus There is No “Best Paths” without Having Earned it!
Listenin to This Big-Toed Bald Man Sittin Here Tellin Me Bout the Sky in the Middle of Nowhere. The Starseed From Albertane —Or— “Man From Milwaukee” by Hanson + Leaving the Mega-Corporate Record Label for Independent Success (1997—2017)