11 months ago240325 Comer Refuses to Back Down against Joe Biden..and son Hunter cover up.mp4DanielUZI
1 year agoFast Walkers, Spirits, Solar Flare/EMP, Remote Viewing - Margie Kay, TSP 1088Typical Skeptic Podcast
2 years agoWill Smith Calls out Jada ! Proof the slap was staged ? Kim Jon Un SpielbergWhiggaz with attitudes Lord Clifford P. Focus & Ye Olde Uncle Dusty Esquire are some dirty good for nothing lazy, no job having Original WHiggaz broadcasting with stolen mics whilst sitting on 22'z Wednesday's live at 9:30PM , join them or get your nooodl
1 year agoThe Bidens pocketed $1M from 'corrupt' Romanian oligarch just as VP Joe lectured country on ethicsMotivational Videos to help grow yourself.