1. How can Pastor Arnold or Pastor Dennis Murray answers questions if they are both deceased?

    How can Pastor Arnold or Pastor Dennis Murray answers questions if they are both deceased?

  2. I was talking to a pastor about scripture & he said he didn't know it, should I try explaining it?

    I was talking to a pastor about scripture & he said he didn't know it, should I try explaining it?

  3. Why do the pastors believe the 1611 KJV Bible is the best translation, & could you do a study of it?

    Why do the pastors believe the 1611 KJV Bible is the best translation, & could you do a study of it?

  4. Emmanuel means God in the flesh. Was Satan's son Cain in the flesh also?

    Emmanuel means God in the flesh. Was Satan's son Cain in the flesh also?

  5. Can you explain Mark 11: 25 - 26 for me?

    Can you explain Mark 11: 25 - 26 for me?

  6. What part of the Old Testament was Jesus Christ mentioned in?

    What part of the Old Testament was Jesus Christ mentioned in?

  7. I was told at a church I attended that if I didn't tithe, I would go to hell. Is this correct?

    I was told at a church I attended that if I didn't tithe, I would go to hell. Is this correct?

  8. Does 2nd Thesselonians 2 mean a temple has to be built? With Satan standing & claiming to be God.

    Does 2nd Thesselonians 2 mean a temple has to be built? With Satan standing & claiming to be God.

  9. This writer thinks God & Satan are eerily the same?

    This writer thinks God & Satan are eerily the same?

  10. When everything is done & another Satan type comes along, would we go thru a flesh body again?

    When everything is done & another Satan type comes along, would we go thru a flesh body again?

  11. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Do you think she is on the right side of the gulf or have a special place?

    Mary gave birth to Jesus. Do you think she is on the right side of the gulf or have a special place?

  12. Can you explain speaking in tongues?

    Can you explain speaking in tongues?

  13. Are the fallen angels born of women or do they die? I have experienced a few.

    Are the fallen angels born of women or do they die? I have experienced a few.

  14. Where can I find that there is a multitude going to heaven & not just the elect?

    Where can I find that there is a multitude going to heaven & not just the elect?

  15. Why aren't today's minister's calling out abortions? We are all guilty if our church supports it.

    Why aren't today's minister's calling out abortions? We are all guilty if our church supports it.

  16. When the 6th trumpet sounds, is is something we will hear?

    When the 6th trumpet sounds, is is something we will hear?

  17. Sid the tribes of Israel blow the trumpet when they saw the sliver of the new moon before calendars?

    Sid the tribes of Israel blow the trumpet when they saw the sliver of the new moon before calendars?

  18. Where in the Bible does it talk about the 1st earth age?

    Where in the Bible does it talk about the 1st earth age?

  19. Please explain Jesus's statement to Nicodemus in John 3:3-5?

    Please explain Jesus's statement to Nicodemus in John 3:3-5?

  20. Concerning the 2 churches, Smyrna & Philadelphia, what other churches stem from those 2?

    Concerning the 2 churches, Smyrna & Philadelphia, what other churches stem from those 2?

  21. Will all the soldiers that fought and killed in war be forgiven by God?

    Will all the soldiers that fought and killed in war be forgiven by God?

  22. Please explain the Mercy Seat and where I can read about it?

    Please explain the Mercy Seat and where I can read about it?

  23. When Satan and the fallen angels come, will the animals sense the evil that has arrived?

    When Satan and the fallen angels come, will the animals sense the evil that has arrived?

  24. Revelation 12:7-9 what were Michael & Satan fighting over when Michael cast Satan out down here?

    Revelation 12:7-9 what were Michael & Satan fighting over when Michael cast Satan out down here?

  25. What does it mean how we are accountable by our works? Please give me scripture.

    What does it mean how we are accountable by our works? Please give me scripture.
