4 months agoPascal Najadi Update: "Wartime President Trump of the USA - Pascal Exposes the Shocking Truth"PASCAL NAJADI. SG Anon. Juan O Savin. Derek Johnson. Melissa Redpill ~ Situation Update. Judy Byington. Restored Republic
4 months agoWartime President Trump of the USA - Pascal Exposes the Shocking TruthCuriosities and Mysteries
4 months agoPascal Najadi Update: "Wartime President Trump of the USA - Pascal Exposes the Shocking Truth"New Q - Benjamin Fulford
4 months agoPascal Najadi & Charlie Ward Huge Intel: "Wartime President Trump of the USA - Pascal Exposes the Shocking Truth"Judy Byington. Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Situation Update. Benjamin Fulford. Pascal Najadi