2 months agoThe angelic voice of a Syriac Orthodox Church monk in an ancient Coptic cistern of JerusalemSrdjanNS
3 months agoFirst Ode of the Christmas Canons, tone A - Elder Daniel - Monk Stefanos DanielidesSrdjanNS
9 days agoRare Orthodox Chant - Greek Orthodox Monk Σπάνιο Ορθόδοξο Άσμα - Ελληνορθόδοξος ΜοναχόςSrdjanNS
1 year agoIn the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra an unknown Schismatic attacked an Orthodox Monk with total impunityRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
3 years agoNovember 26, 2021, St Stylianos the Monk of Paphlagonia | Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy Live StreamGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 months agoPure hearts know each other. This shows when a wolf befriends this Serbian orthodox monk, God bless.SrdjanNS
1 month agoAnyone witness a monk into a Schema @trust_thy_word #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaithSrdjanNS
1 year agoUN fail. Macron crackdown. Elensky fears US political change. Orthodox monks attacked, evicted. U/1Alex ChristoforouVerified
3 months agoBlind Orthodox monk chanting. Father Jeremia, Decani, Metohia, Serbia #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaithSrdjanNS
3 years agoJanuary 15, 2022, Saint John the Hut-Dweller | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
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3 years agoDecember 5, 2021, 10th Sunday of Luke | Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy Live StreamGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 years agoAugust 16 2022, St. Gerasimus of Cephalonia | GREEK ORTHODOX DIVINE LITURGYGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 months agoBulgarian Orthodox monks chant Пеят български православни монаси #orthodoxchants #bulgariaSrdjanNS
3 months agoBlind Orthodox monk chanting. Father Jeremia, Decani, Metohia, Serbia #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaithSrdjanNS
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1 year agoBlind Orthodox monk Chanting Fr. Jeremiah of Decani, Serbian Orthodox Monastery, Metohia, SerbiaSrdjanNS
3 years agoNovember 9, 2021, SAINT NEKTARIOS THE WONDERWORKER | ORTHODOX DIVINE LITURGY LIVE STREAMGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
3 years agoAugust 30, 2021 | Apodosis of the Feast (Beheading of Baptist John) | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
3 years agoSaint Nectarios | Paraklesis Service & Supplicatory CanonGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece