MPox Emergency | "The World Health Organization Has Declared MPox A Public Health Emergency of International Concern." - Sky News + "Hey, I've Seen This One! This Is a Classic." - Marty McFly + Mpox Vaccines?
Flying Disc Man from Mars (1950 Full 12-Chapter TV Series) [Sci-Fi/Adventure] | SUMMARY: An Eccentric Scientist agrees to help a Martian repair his spacecraft and conquer Earth... in exchange for Atomic Secrets!
𐌂Ƴ𐌂𐌋ꝊP𐌔 (2008 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Horror | Summary: This dazzling tale is set in ancient Rome. A corrupt emperor sends his best general to kill a deadly Cyclops but man and beast team up and try to overthrow him instead.