3 months agoNTYK Part 5: World Renowned Rabbi professes Hebraic Roots in Africa #NowThatYouKnow #NTYKPillars & Strategies
3 months agoRussian Artwork in America Museum actually showcasing Black Jesus #NTYK #NowThatYouKnowPillars & Strategies
3 months agoThe Rabbi Simon Altaf Interview: Hidden Connection between Yahushua (Jesus) & People of Color #NTYKPillars & Strategies
3 months agoWATCH: Now that you know by Pillars and Strategies | Bless Israel (Part 1) #nowthatyouknow #NTYKPillars & Strategies
3 months agoWATCH: Now That You Know by Pillars and Strategies | Bless Israel (Part 3) #NowThatYouKnow #NTYKPillars & Strategies
3 months agoWATCH: Now That You Know by Pillars and Strategies | Bless Israel (Part 2) #NowThatYouKnow #NTYKPillars & Strategies
3 months agoEvidence of Egyptians That were Black | Pillars & Strategies #NowThatYouKnow #NTYKPillars & Strategies
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2 months agoNIH/NTP Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ + Exclusive Interviews With Ryan Cole, M.D.childrenshealthdefenseVerified
2 months ago“We don’t really need it added to our drinking water any more” Linda Birnbaum, Retired NTP Director.FluorideAlert
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1 year agoFluoride is poison - NTP has determined fluoride is not safe because of reduced IQ in childrenNancyJaneRVerified