1. Vaccination Status Mortality Rates, England, May 2022

    Vaccination Status Mortality Rates, England, May 2022

  2. Covid-19 “Vaccines” Are Deadliest Drug EVER

    Covid-19 “Vaccines” Are Deadliest Drug EVER

  3. The Shocking Truth: What REALLY Killed People in 2021

    The Shocking Truth: What REALLY Killed People in 2021

  4. CDC Data Shows More All-Cause Deaths in Counties with Higher COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

    CDC Data Shows More All-Cause Deaths in Counties with Higher COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

  5. 【PT】Dados do CDC mostram mais mortes por todas as causas em condados com maiores taxas...

    【PT】Dados do CDC mostram mais mortes por todas as causas em condados com maiores taxas...

  6. 【NL】CDC gegevens tonen meer totale sterfgevallen in districten met hogere COVID-19...

    【NL】CDC gegevens tonen meer totale sterfgevallen in districten met hogere COVID-19...

  7. 【PT】Maior taxa de mortalidade entre aqueles com mais vacinas contra a COVID-19 do que os...

    【PT】Maior taxa de mortalidade entre aqueles com mais vacinas contra a COVID-19 do que os...

  8. Johns Hopkins Study Documented What We Already Knew: The Lockdowns Did Not Help One Bit

    Johns Hopkins Study Documented What We Already Knew: The Lockdowns Did Not Help One Bit

  9. Higher Mortality Rate Among Those With More COVID-19 Vaccines Than the Unvaccinated

    Higher Mortality Rate Among Those With More COVID-19 Vaccines Than the Unvaccinated

  10. Public Health seeks to answer community questions about COVID-19 response

    Public Health seeks to answer community questions about COVID-19 response
