Daniel Hake Classical Guitar/Watersongs/Down by the Waterside/nylon string guitar
Daniel Hake Classical GuitarMLK Early Life, Federal Reserve Act, Confederate Flag with @biggbump
The Hake ReportMid-Life 'Christian' Goes from 'Zealot' to Radical Homosexual (Wed, Sep 4, 2019)
The Hake ReportNEWS: Poor Illegal Kids; Poland for Life; Pro-Gay USA (10/23/20 Hr2)
The Hake ReportWeird Train Guy. Reparations, NO! Gross Target! | Tue. 5-30-23
The Hake ReportTyre Nichols vs Memphis Police, with Joel Friday | Tue. 1-31-23
The Hake ReportFernando Sor/Estudio 2/Daniel Hake Classical Guitar/Watersongs
Daniel Hake Classical Guitar08/26/20 Wed. PART 1 (STREAM DROPPED): Men Bad. BLM Good. Resist!...Arrest!
The Hake Report10/06/20 Tue. Trump: Don't Be Afraid! Kim Davis Flashback! Anti-Police Smears!
The Hake Report09/10/20 Thu. Bob Woodward, Jim Mattis: BOTH A JOKE
The Hake Report3/25/20 Wed: Would You Rather Save Lives or Save the Economy?
Jesse Lee Peterson05/09/22 Mon. 'Pro-Choice' Antifa Terrorism?! Ladies' 'Logic'!
The Hake ReportWHO Handles Coronavirus; Hake Calls Out Snake! (Tues. 2/11/20)
The Hake Report03/29/22 Tue: HAKE and CHRIS Guest Host for JLP
Jesse Lee PetersonCain and Abel REVISITED; Sean/Hake; Free Will?; Made in God’s Image; THE VIEW | JLP SHOW (5/9/24)
Jesse Lee Peterson02/24/21 Wed: Timothy McVeigh, Knife Lady, Abe Lincoln, Karl Marx
The Hake ReportWhat is your life about?; Taking sides; Free AirTags; Reparations | JLP SHOW (5/8/23)
Jesse Lee PetersonCrishaun the Don Returns (Misfit Nation) | Wed. 11-29-23
The Hake ReportJuneteenth MESS; Jackson, Mississippi; Real-Life Noah’s Ark; Fake Death | JLP SHOW (6/19/23)
Jesse Lee Peterson09/06/21 Mon. Labor Day Union Debate: No Good Commies? Fact Check FAIL
The Hake Report09/28/21 Tue. Another Liberal 'Judge'; 'Anti-Vaxxer' NBA Player Smear
The Hake Report02/26/21 Fri: DHS vs USA; KKK vs BLM, Which Is Worse?
The Hake ReportFEMALE MONDAY; Happy Wife Happy Life; Steve Harvey; Race2Dinner; Poor Nikki | JLP SHOW (1/22/24)
Jesse Lee Peterson