Justin Bieber | What Is Justin Bieber Doing With Jaden Smith At Coachella? What Is Justin Bieber Doing with Odell Beckham Junior? What Is Justin Bieber Doing With Diddy? What Is Bieber Doing? Why Does Lebron Party With Diddy?
Elon Musk | "Elon Musk Is Owned Lock, Stock & Barrel By the Chinese Communist Party & He Acts Like It." - Steve Bannon (2023) + "I'm Somewhat Encouraged By China's Willingness to Engage In AI Regulation." Musk (2023)
Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro Interviews Clay Clark On Bannon's War Room (10/11/2024) to Discuss: Great ReAwakening Vs. Great Reset, FINAL Oct 18-19 Selma, NC ReAwaken Tour & The Oct. 21st 11th Hour Faith Leaders Meeting
BRICS | BRICS Summit 2024 | BRICS PAY | "The Days of the U.S. Financial Dominance May Be Numbered." - Clayton Morris (10/6/2024) + "The Russians Said It's (New BRICS Currency) Going to Be Gold Backed." - Steve Bannon
Bo Polny | The COLLAPSE OF THE DOLLAR Explained Featuring Confirming Commentary from: Fred Smith (Founder of FedEX), Steve Bannon, Donald J. Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Navarro, Flynn, Charles Payne, Etc.
BRICS | The BRICS-Lead DEDOLLARIZATION Explained By: "We Are Going Down. It Will Be the Biggest Crash In Worl History." - Kiyosaki, Putin, Fred Smith (FedEx Founder), Bannon, Harari, Trump, Payne, Beck, Navarro, Flynn, Schectman, Werner, & M