1 year agoFollow the Science - about the FTS Newsletter and other new and upcoming initiativesFollow the Science
2 years agoIs Society caught up in a Death Spiral? Modelling Societal Demise and its ReversalFollow the Science
2 months agoRonald Meester & the Science of Modelling - “lives and life-years saved by COVID-19 vaccinations”Follow the Science
2 years agoThe Lack of Scientific Freedom Conference Copenhagen; Cause Consequences and Cures - Report (part 1)Follow the Science
2 years agoDiscriminatie en Gelijke Behandeling - Michaéla Schippers in gesprek met Rico BrouwerFollow the Science
4 months agoFollow the Science - The Psychology of Performance | Michaéla Schippers | EP 82 Tammy PetersonFollow the Science
2 years agoThe Lack of Scientific Freedom Conference Copenhagen; Cause Consequences and Cures - Report (part 1)Follow the Science
2 years agoThe Lack of Scientific Freedom - Conclusion: Causes, Consequences and Solutions (part 6)Follow the Science
2 years agoProf. Harald Walach - is science being streamlined into a compulsory, mainstream narrative? (part 2)Follow the Science
2 years agoProf. Harald Walach - is science being streamlined into a compulsory, mainstream narrative? (part 2)Follow the Science
2 years agoThe Lack of Scientific Freedom - Conclusion: Causes, Consequences and Solutions (part 6)Follow the Science
2 years agoDeath Spiral - We're in an epidemic of narcissism and bad decision making (with Jordan B. Peterson)Follow the Science
2 years agoProf. Nicolas Vermeulen - Threat and fear influence decision making (part 4)Follow the Science
2 years agoKim exposes fraud in clinical trials after husband died of drugs with suicide as a side effect (p.3)Follow the Science
1 year agoLezing: "Help de samenleving stort in. Wat nu?" - Michaéla Schippers, Bosvreugd, Tilburg (deel2)Follow the Science
1 year agoLezing: "Help de samenleving stort in. Wat nu?" - Michaéla Schippers, Bosvreugd, Tilburg (deel1)Follow the Science
3 months agoIs blaming someone truly helping us to solve a problem? - No Blame Game, Follow the ScienceFollow the Science