The Wizard of Mars (1965 Full Movie) [L. Frank Baum] | Sci-Fi/Horror | John Carradine, Roger Gentry, Vic McGee, Jerry Rannow, Eve Bernhardt. | Summary: Four space travellers encounter a sinister force on Mars that threatens to stifle all life forms.
All About Eve (1950 Full Movie) | Comedy/Drama | Bette Davis, Marilyn Monroe, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Celeste Holm, Gary Merrill, Hugh Marlowe, Thelma Ritter, Gregory Ratoff, Barbara Bates, Walter Hampden.
THE FINAL RALLY FOR ELECTION 2024: President Trump in Grand Rapids, MI Where He Completed His 3rd of 3 Rallies in One Day—The Eve of Election Day (11/4/24) | Rally 3 of 3
Madonna is Under the Grand High Priestess in the East, which is Beyoncé (She Took Gloria Vanderbilt's Position After Her Death) + Madonna is One of the Highest Grand Dames in the System, Above Mother Goddess, Procures Beta Kitty Sex Slaves for Elite
Samhain, A Pope Declared November 1st (the Day After Halloween) All Saints Day, When the Veil is Thinnest + Trick or Treat, People Generally Just Want Fun, They Don't Have Malicious Intent
CHRISTMAS EVE EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Now The Biden Administration Is Hyping A Nuclear Sneak Attack By Pakistan Against America! Alex Jones Warns They Could Be Laying The Groundwork For A False Flag! — FULL SHOW (12/24/24)
SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE: Watch President Trump's Historic Speech at His Celebratory Rally From Washington DC On The Eve Of His Inauguration As The 47th President Of The USA; + Key Analysis From Alex Jones! (1/19/25)