Your business practices are NOT my problem, fault or responsibility. If YOU fail to inform your customers about the IOMT-MC-IONT intra Body Communication VLC/6G Bioconvergence/BIOECONOMY Systems ~ that is on YOU.
Electromagnetic Nanonetworks Beyond 6G: From Wearable and Implantable Networks to On-chip Intra-Body and Quantum Communication 2024 Akildiz & Jornet - European Horizons Program
Bio-Cyber Interfaces for Intrabody Molecular Communications Systems, wireless medical telemetry a healthcare worker can remotely measure biological signals and control certain processes [OPTOGENETICS] - WBAN - IoBnT
Shining Light On Molecular Communication: Designing a Light-based Communication System with a Biomolecular Receiver - University of Wisconsin-Madison 2020
6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems - INTERNET OF BioNanoThings FOR HEALTH APPLICATIONS IAN F. AKYILDIZ , (Fellow, IEEE), Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute
Design of Intra-body Nano-communication Network for Future Nano-medicine 2018 - Intra-body communication is a method that utilizes the human body as a broadcast biological medium for electromagnetic signals to inter-connect wireless body sensors.
Electromagnetic Nanonetworks Beyond 6G: From Wearable and Implantable Networks to On-chip and Quantum Communication - Ian F. AKYILDIZ 2024 Horizon Europe program through the European Research Council (ERC)
Electromagnetic Warfare Techniques … ATP 3-12.3 - CEMA working group is a group that focuses on Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, a US Army initiative that integrates cyberspace operations with other capabilities like intra body communication
Electromagnetic Signal and Information Theory, and Stacked Intelligent Metasurfaces: Prof. Aryan Kaushik, IEEE CTN Senior Editor, Prof. Marco Di Renzo on latest technology of Electromagnetic Signal and Information Theory
Operation Warp Speed Contract Classifies COVID Injections as Electromagnetic Devices Not Biologicals - How They Make The Covid Vacccines. The Witches Brew They Injected Into 5.55 Billion People.