TARTARIA: The Pod People, The World's Fairs and Our Rich Hidden Past, Disney and Our Rich Hidden Future, The Previous Great Reset, The Pod People/Orphan Trains and NPC/Backfill People Connection, and Did We Shift to a Lower Timeline Centuries Back??
The ‘Plus Ultra’ Secret Society, Their Beautiful (But Perverse) World’s Fairs—and Their FULL Double Grooved Disney LP Record with it’s Hidden Message, the Secret Space Program, and Tartaria—Torn Down Via Cover-Up Through “World’s Fairs”.
Magic Skyway Ride [by Ford and Disney] at the 1965 New York World's Fair | Beautiful, But There's More to These Huge Fairs, Such as the Covered Up Removal of a 5th Dimensional Tartarian Civilization—Full History Linked in the Description ⇩