4 months ago"Zu schmuddelig und unseriös für die Bild" – Debatte über AfD-Antrag zum Digital Services ActRT DEVerified
1 year agoIreland's media minister says "under the DSA [Digital Services Act], every state will designate a body" when it comes to "misinformation" on the InternetRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
1 year agoIreland - Media Minister the Digital Services Act will Designate a Body to Monitor “Misinformation”MJTruthVerified
3 days agoKallas' US visit, EU-US trade, Ukraine negotiations, Shein CPC probe, Digital Services Act | EU NewsAmaravati Today
7 months ago7.19.24: The SUM of ALL Fears, RNC Gold, Pres. Trump delivers amazing message, Final ACT, Pray!And We KnowVerified
1 year agoPhilosoph David Thunder: Der Digital Services Act ist ein Angriff auf die MeinungsfreiheiteXXpressat
4 months agoALARM, Zensur-Gesetz! Habeck bekämpft unsere Freiheit mit „Trusted Flagger“ und Digital Service Act!Just News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
19 days agoJD Vance kritisiert die enormen Vorschriften des EU Digital Services Act (DSA)FreieMedienDE
1 year ago„Digital Services Act“ – Auslöschung unabhängiger BerichterstattungJust News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
1 month agoSKY NEWS AU: EU updating ´Digital Services Act´ - more censorship than ever beforeTellMeSweetLittleLies
1 year agoSchockierend: Nur noch Klappe halten? Der neue Digital Service Act...🖕!Caimi Report, die Geschichte hinter der Geschichte
1 year agoDIGITAL SERVICES ACT. PIAZZA LIBERTA', intervento dell'avv. Maurizio GiordanoPIAZZA LIBERTA'
1 year agoEU Digital Service Act - Auswirkungen: FB, Insta, Threads, Mario Barth +++BöhmermannJust News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
6 months agoMike Benz explains how the EU Digital Services Act is the greatest threat to Elon Musk’s 𝕏Question EverythingVerified
1 year agoAktuell: Digital Service Act, Trump verhaftet, Ende des BRICS Gipfels 👏Caimi Report, die Geschichte hinter der Geschichte
2 months ago🤣🤣🤡Pop Stasi proudly presents Ursula "Flinten Uschi" von der Lie:"DSA - Digital Services Act"TOPSECRETXXL - BERNDPULCH.ORG
6 months agoMike Davis to Rob Schmitt: France is using the Digital Services Act to shut down free speechArticle3Project