China | Nvidia Chips Used to Power Advanced Artificial Intelligence Are Finding Their Way to the Chinese Military Despite U.S. Blockade With Epoch Times Investigative Journalist Nathan Su + Gold Hits $2,500 Per Ounce!!!
De-Dollarization | "70% of the World's Population Will Now Be Using the Gold-Backed Chinese Yuan. Which Means the U.S. Dollar Is Toast. In 1944 the U.S. Dollar Became the Reserve Currency of the World & We Violated That In 1971."
Chinese Police Stations In the United States? Has China Opened Police Stations In the United States and Canada to Monitor Chinese Citizens? (READ Article In Show Description)
Peter Daszak | Why Did Peter Daszak Reference "Chinese Colleagues" Developing "Killer" Coronaviruses? "You End Up w/ a Small Number of Viruses That Look Like Killers."
Klaus Schwab | "We Have to Construct the World of Tomorrow. It's a Systemic Transformation of the World. China Is a Role Model for Many Countries. The Chinese Model Is Certainly a Very Attractive Model for Quite a Number of Countries."