General Flynn | Are We Going to See a JESUS Revolution or Is the Biden Administration Turning Over U.S. Sovereignty to the China Communist Party-Controlled World Health Organization? Or Are We Seeing Both? w/ Donné Clement Petruska
The Great Reset | The Great Reset Agenda | The Connection Between Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, Joe Biden, Yuval Noah Harari, Daniel, Revelation, the World Economic Forum, COVID-19 Shots, CBDCs & the Transhumanism Agenda
Dollar Collapse | "For Socialism to Take Hold Government Has to Control the Money. The Biden Team Is Looking Into Creating a Central Bank Digital Currency They'll Control." - Dan Bongino
Banking Collapse | "The Real Problem Is the Bond Market Is Crashing. I'm Concerned About IRAs, Pension Plans. Buy Silver. Buy Gold. The Fed And the FDIC Are Signaling Hyper-Inflation." - Robert Kiyosaki (The Best-Selling Author of Rich Dad
Banking Crisis | "The Banks Are In Pretty Good Shape. I Don't See Anything On the Horizon That's About to Explode." - President Joe Biden | "It's Important That People Can Understand That They Can Be Bailed In." - FDIC
Great Reset | Has Biden Team Found a Way to Give WHO Authority Over US Vaccine Mandates, Lockdowns and Surveillance While Avoiding Senate Approval? "Nobody Will Be Safe If Not Everybody Is Vaccinated." - Klaus Schwab
Great Reset | Biden Admin Gives WHO Authority Over U.S. Pandemic Policies | "Internet of Bodies Will Mean That Software Will Start Causing Physical HARM to Human Bodies." - Dr. Matwyshyn + What Is Patent US 2021/0082583 A1?
Catherine Austin Fitts | EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Catherine Austin Fitts & James Patrick On CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies), Joe Biden's Executive Order #14067, the Quantum Dot, Surveillance Under the Skin and The Great Reset
Banking Crisis | Did Joe Biden Just Nationalize the Banking Industry? Did Obama Nationalize Medicine? Did March Towards Marxism and Digital Dictatorship Just Become a SPRINT!!! With Special Guests Mel K and Doctor Jim Meehan
Great Reset | Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Health Care System. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." Yuval Noah Harari
CBDCs | "You (Joe Biden) Were One of the Most Engaged and Hardest Working Participants Here At the Annual Meeting (The World Economic Forum Meeting Davos)." - Klaus Schwab (Founder of the World Economic Forum Those Father Was Praised by Hitler)
Silicon Valley Bank Collapse | "Americans Can Have Confidence the Banking System Is Safe. Your Deposits Will Be There." - President Joe Biden (Speaking 3/13/23 - Commenting On Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank & First Republic Bank)