11 months ago🪐 JUPITER-URANUS CONJUNCTION with JANINE, MEG & JC - APR 15Jean-Claude@BeyondMysticVerified
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2 years agoMeta & Uranus in Taurus | An Astro G Ladies Roundtable Discussion #astrology #uranusintaurusSpiritual Gangsta Certified
1 year agoHOROSCOPE READINGS FOR ALL ZODIAC SIGNS - its relationship reboot time with Venus Uranus square!KesenyaGuidingStar
1 year agoHOROSCOPE READINGS FOR ALL ZODIAC SIGNS - Uranus Retrograde - time to wish upon a star!KesenyaGuidingStar
11 months agoJupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus - Astro report for all 12 signs #astrology #tarotary #allsignstarotarychannel
2 years agoUse Astro Birth chart with Energy of Gemstones & color to create Self Growth W / Kim Galbraith #43MeetTina
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10 months ago🌟ASTRO DEEP DIVE with MEG: The Algol/ Uranus Transit - APRIL 25Jean-Claude@BeyondMysticVerified
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