Andy Schectman | Russian Warships Off The Coast of Cuba and Russia No Longer Trading in U.S. Dollars | How Does This Affect the U.S. Dollar? | What Can We Do?
Andy Schectman | Is the Price of Silver Getting Ready to Explode? | Who Has Suppressed the Price? | Teaching Children about the Compounding of Money & Time
Andy Schectman | The Destruction of America From the Inside Out | “What is Coming Will Render You a Victim if You Are Not a Contrarian” | How Can We Get Prepared?
Andy Schectman | BRICS Introducing a NEW Gold Backed CURRENCY Called The UNIT? | Will Our Dollar Start to Lose HEGEMONY After BRICS MEETING in Russia in October? | “98% of Countries That Make up The World’s GDP All Have CBDCs in Operation”