Joe Rogan & Elon Musk | 2/28/2025 Interview Highlights: Sex Robots, Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Artificial Intelligence, A Second Planet to Preserve Civilization, Genetically Engineered Super Virus, "I Am An Alien."
Joe Rogan & Elon Musk | 2/28/2025 Interview Highlights: Sex Robots, Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Artificial Intelligence, Having a Second Planet to Preserve Civilization, Genetically Engineered Super Virus, "I Am An Alien."
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Losing Control of the World to Something Else, to An Alien. AIs, They Are a Type of Alien Intelligence. They Don't Come from Another Planet of Course. We Create Them On This Planet." - 12/8/2024
Klaus Schwab | The Internet of Bodies Agenda | "Prison Planet, This Is What They Are Building." - Pastor Billy Crone + Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution, Rise ofFourth Reich, Brain Chips, Eugenics & Rise of the Nephilim?
General Flynn, Eric Metaxas & G. Edward Griffin | "The Sobering Reality Is Evil Exists & It Exists All Around Us. It's About Freedom & We're the Last Bastion of Freedom On the Planet. They Want to Enslave Society. You Are Going
CBDCs | "Once the Central Bank Digital Currencies Link to All of Your Credit Cards & Bank Accounts, Then Social Controls Can Be Implemented. t Is Literally A Prison Planet." Ed Dowd (Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager) + BRICS & CBDCs Ex
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Never Saw Any Evidence for That (Higher Power). If There Is, It's Not Doing a Good Job. If There Is Some of Higher Power Taking Care of Everything, It's Not Taking Very Good Care of People On This Planet."
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "Elon Is Great. That Guy Is Such a Great Guy. He Is From a Different Planet. He Is the Greatest Guy. He Gave Me the Nicest Endorsement. You Should Do the Same Thing Joe."
BlackRock | Why Did President Trump TRUTH Out “Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Is Fantastic?” Is BlackRock’s Asset Buying A.I. Is the World’s Most Powerful Entity On the Planet? Dr. Fauci 2.0? Why Did Moody’s Just Cut Ratings of 10 U.S. Banks?
CBDCs | "And Then When You Combine It With the Digital ID, The Surveillance & the Artificial Intelligence What Is Now Being Developed. You Realize They Are Building a Prison Planet & We Are the Prisoners." - Alex Newman