2 years ago5/5 Portal & Eclipse Season Energy! * Starseeds * Blue Rays * Twin Flames * Soul Flames * 144000AlohaPinkBella888
2 years agoSOLAR Flares & DNA/Chakra/Meridian Upgrades! * Starseeds * Lightworkers * 144000AlohaPinkBella888
1 year ago144 CODE ~ A SPECIAL Message to our STARSEED Earth Angelic Ground Crew on this SACRED Daywhitegoldeagle
2 years ago8/8 Lion's Gate Update for all * Starseeds * Blue Rays * 144000 DNA Activations!AlohaPinkBella888
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2 years agoQUANTUM TIMELINE SHIFT! * Jupiter Conjuct Neptune! * Starseeds * 144000 * Twin FlamesAlohaPinkBella888
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2 years agoLUNAR ECLIPSE PLEIADIAN UPDATE! * Starseeds * Blue Rays * 144000 * Twin or Soul FlamesAlohaPinkBella888
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3 years ago2016-05-16 - New Jerusalem Inner Wall - 144000 and City - Great MultitudeNumber#Weigh-Divide
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1 month agoThe book of Revelation explained | The song of the 144 thousand, The three angels, and the harvestLAST DAYS PREPPING MINISTRY