Prince on the Contractual Games You Opt in to (Which is Fine as a Choice, But it's More a Programming). You are Rarely Willing to Change the Game (and You Can). It'll REMAIN DIFFICULT Til You Stop Looking Outside of You, and CHANGE IT YOURSELF!
Illuminati Media Admits Trump's Transition is Getting Rave Reviews From The American Public—Ultimately in Hopes You'll Join Them to Stop President Trump!
Jean Noland Perspective on the Oct. 4th 2023 EBS/EAS: STOP THE FEAR! | We in 5D: I COMPLETELY AGREE, But You Can Also STOP Nonsensically Projecting This is a Q Operation—Cut it Out!
Election Whistleblower: "We Have the Proof" — The Roseanne Barr Podcast | WE in 5D: The Illuminati Rejected Your Proof. So Stop Telling People Someone Will Save Them, and Start Telling Them to Organize to TAKE THE FUTURE INTO THEIR OWN HANDS!
Alex Jones' LIVE COVERAGE/COMMENTARY: RFK Jr.'s Historic Endorsement Of President Trump Where He Lays Out His Vision To Save The Children and Stop WW3! (8/23/24)
You CAN'T Be Bothered By Both/You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat it Too/Beggars Can't Be Choosers (SO, STOP!) + Is Your Taking The Vaccine Cyclically PREDETERMINED Unless You Break That Cycle?, and 3D is Forever—But So is Any "D".
Putin Warns NATO "Stop Now!" and Sends Russian Navy to Cuba + Other News. | WE in 5D: Friday Livestream @ 7PM EST—Why Nuclear War WON’T Happen, But "Little Boy" A-Bombs Are Possible, + Your Best Course of Action w/ That!
Disgraceful! Unbelievable! UNACCEPTABLE! Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your Own Psyche; Never Mind the British People's Psyche! The Mental Gymnastics These People Play is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness.