3 years agoThe tusks of elephants grow through their life. The tusks can weigh over 200 pounds.Irshad6108
2 years agoThis is what a sanctuary for elephants in Sri Lanka look like,Majestic Elephants of Sri LankaPubudunadeeshan
1 year agoElephant Tusk Handcrafts | Sri Lanka Colombo National Museum | Sri Lanka Museum | Sri Lanka National Museum | Elephant TuskOmkararao
3 years agoFriendship has no boundaries, incredible friendship between an elephant and a dogrodolfopqdt
1 year agoYala National Park Sri Lanka | The Most Incredible Sri Lanka Travel Experiencetravelwithtad
1 year agoYala National Park Sri Lanka | The Most Incredible Sri Lanka Travel Experiencetravelwithtad
2 years agoElephants parade in front of tourists and prevent them from getting out of the carmaheradam