RQSEANNE FIGURES OUT "Q"⁉️ Not Actually Likely, as This is Satire 😂 BUT to Her Credit She's Definitely Decoded a Major Facet of The Great Awakening—You Can Run From Your Own Self NO LONGER! Available Options: #AscensionOrImplosion
5D "Awakening": It Happened, it's OVER, 5D Vs. 3D isn't an Option When You Already Chose (Didn't Know You Did?) Next, Everyone Goes to Where They're Supposed to—and Have Been for Some Time! | Ralph Smart and Danica Patrick
New Moon 🌙 in Pisces 3/10/24 Collective Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE) [Preview Only] | The Age of Aquarius: The Age Where Momma Bird Kicks Her Babies Out of the Tree to Impart THE WISDOM of Freedom and Independence!