Jessie Czebotar Exposes The Global Luciferian Brotherhood (aka the Illuminati), How it is Structured, How it Operates, The Horrific Ways that the Brotherhood Profits From Children etc. + Kingdom Living, Q&A
Holly-wood, Magic Wand of the Druids, Moses + Miley Cyrus, Disney Programming, Grand Dames (e.g. Madonna) and the Beta Kitty Sex Slave Program + Satanic Shoes with Blood in the Sole/Soul, Spiritual Warfare
Queen Mother Of Darkness, 5 MoDs Run the Entire System, Meet Satan Every Night, Instruct the Satanic Council + Quadrants, Grand High Priests & Priestesses, High Priests & Priestesses, Assets, Hierarchy & Expendable Kids, Chosen, Money is Made
Bob Saget, Family TV Shows Are the Perfect Cover For Pedophilia or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) + It Will Be Disheartening for People to See Who Else is Going to Be Exposed in the Future
August 10, 1982, Prince Andrew's Hidden Brother, Rothschilds, Prince Philip Went to the Satanic Council Over Dandelions, Laurie Cabot Kent Defended Jessie
Mike Pompeo, Has Worked Against Trafficking + When There's No Evidence of People's Satanic Crimes Maybe We Will Need to Arrest Them for Other Things Instead
Somerset Belenoff, The Countess of Banbury, Head of the World Governing Council (a.k.a. the Satanic Council), CEO of the World Security Office + Upper Chambers
Trump Speech, Biden Investigation, Hunter's Laptop + Trump Used the Terms 'Human Trafficking' and 'Satanic Ritual', He's the Only President Ever to Do That, Priming the Public for Big Reveals?
Journalist Liz Crokin, Pizzagate + Heartbreaking to Hear Naysayers Saying it's Just a Few Bad Apples or Satanic Panic + In Reality Pizzagate is Only the Tip of the Iceberg, There is So Much More to Uncover, Breeder Programs etc.
Structure of the Luciferian Brotherhood, Mothers of Darkness, Merlin, Satanic Council, Grand High Priests & Priestesses, Satan + Hight Priests & Priestesses, Quadrants, Assets, Hierarchy and "Expendable" Children + Food Supply, Curses
Good Men and Women Behind the Scenes Have Heard Jessie's Testimony and Acted On it, e.g. Randi Lynn Erickson + Collaboration to End Child Trafficking, Satanic Ritual Abuse + Both Support and Struggle with Q, Different Groups Involved