3 years ago481 - It’s a Sneaky, Sneaky Virus, WEF Great Reset, Covid Lockdowns and Consent Removed?CanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago470 - MPP's Starting to Break Ranks on Lockdown, Vaccine Passports and Health AdvisorsCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago502 - Flag Day, O’Tool is O’Out-Of-Touch, Lockdowns are a Violation of Our Rights and MoreCanadaPoliVerified
2 years agoRoman Baber speaks on the Emergencies Act, Senate Appointments, among other issues...Western Standard
2 years agoCanada’s Elites Are Losing Control, People Are Waking Up | Jordan PetersonMillionaire Mentor
12 days agoVice-President Elect Stands up for Canadian Christians, following Trump sticking up for CanadaIsaacLamoureuxNews
3 years ago526 - Covid Lockdowns and Lawsuits, Sudbury “Emergency Break,” Line Jumping and O’Toole CPCCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago519 - Silence Dissent, Hire Huawei VP, Extend Vax Dosing Schedule (no data), Implement Vax PassportCanadaPoliVerified
2 years agoCanadaConnect June 15th - Marching 4 Freedom & Armed to the Teeth.... with DATAtakingbackourfreedomsVerified
2 years agoCivil War-Revolution-WW3-New Global Pandemic-Lockdown Without End*Watching The Insanity Manifest*EEARTS
2 years agoRick Walker Show: Biden Tests Positive For Covid AgainMaverick News: Freedom ReportersVerified
3 years agoPolitician Proposes CUTTING Government Salaries During Covid - Reaction is AMAZING - Viva Frei VlawgvivafreiVerified
3 years ago644 - Election Spending, Economy and Jobs, Food Shortages, School and “Reopening” Vax & PassportsCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago572 - Unaccountable Governance, Loss of Freedom of Expression. Canada in 2021.CanadaPoliVerified