"If You’re Dealing with a..." [All 12 Signs] 🃏🎴🀄️ Late-January 2024 Tarot Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE) | WE in 5D: I Broke My Rule.. I'm Leaving This Open Until I Decide What I'm Revamping in Our Locals Community.
"If You’re Dealing with a..." 🃏🎴🀄️ Mid-May 2024 Tarot Reading (All 12 Signs) | L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE for Contributing Supporters [𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 Which Includes the Sign of Aries]
How NOT to Approach Getting a Tarot Reading; and How You Often Create an AWFUL Reality for Yourself! | Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (1959–1964 TV Series) | Summary: Newlyweds Don and Pat Carter enter a diner where they have their fortunes told to them.