1. When the camera is off! | UPDATE on Pyshka, Ginger & Gummy | Mr President Sir wants all the pets!

    When the camera is off! | UPDATE on Pyshka, Ginger & Gummy | Mr President Sir wants all the pets!

  2. Gummy is on BABY watch! | Prepping for kidding

    Gummy is on BABY watch! | Prepping for kidding

  3. Just trying to get through chores | Not feeling well | Marlin trying to make friends with Drummy 🤣

    Just trying to get through chores | Not feeling well | Marlin trying to make friends with Drummy 🤣

  4. Sometimes I just like complaining about the weather | Motivational Saturday, maybe? Goats make life

    Sometimes I just like complaining about the weather | Motivational Saturday, maybe? Goats make life

  5. Is the love worth the loss? | Drummy in heat 🤣 | Also, Cou Clair goats are crazy 😂

    Is the love worth the loss? | Drummy in heat 🤣 | Also, Cou Clair goats are crazy 😂

  6. Licorice the goat is acting weird! Putting up fence part 2 - infinity!

    Licorice the goat is acting weird! Putting up fence part 2 - infinity!

  7. The situation with Streusel | It’s been a crazy day but we’re still petting baby goats ☺️ vet visit

    The situation with Streusel | It’s been a crazy day but we’re still petting baby goats ☺️ vet visit

  8. Three’s a Crowd? Adding a Nigerian Dwarf Buck to the Herd.

    Three’s a Crowd? Adding a Nigerian Dwarf Buck to the Herd.

  9. How to Choose a Herd Sire with JoAnna from AppleJo Farms

    How to Choose a Herd Sire with JoAnna from AppleJo Farms

  10. Marlin the CONFIDENT, perhaps cocky, baby goat 🤣 | Using wethers to know when does are in heat

    Marlin the CONFIDENT, perhaps cocky, baby goat 🤣 | Using wethers to know when does are in heat

  11. Cookie Don’t Care (CDC) shirts are coming back! | Streusel babies? / Baby goats & Mama relationships

    Cookie Don’t Care (CDC) shirts are coming back! | Streusel babies? / Baby goats & Mama relationships

  12. Let’s talk baby goats, mama goat due dates, & V-Day soap | Valentines Day Soap | Goat due dates

    Let’s talk baby goats, mama goat due dates, & V-Day soap | Valentines Day Soap | Goat due dates

  13. Coffee? Soap? Coffee Soap for the win! Handmade goat milk coffee soap! Beautiful!

    Coffee? Soap? Coffee Soap for the win! Handmade goat milk coffee soap! Beautiful!

  14. Spellbound, Valentine’s Day Soap | Handmade goat milk soap | Crazy Beautiful Soap! | Luxury Soap!

    Spellbound, Valentine’s Day Soap | Handmade goat milk soap | Crazy Beautiful Soap! | Luxury Soap!

  15. Teaser - Polar Vortex; The weather outside is frightful | Keeping goats dry, fed, & warm

    Teaser - Polar Vortex; The weather outside is frightful | Keeping goats dry, fed, & warm

  16. Show me your receipts! Goats, Bugattis, and Ryan Reynolds! | It’s more of a motivational thing!

    Show me your receipts! Goats, Bugattis, and Ryan Reynolds! | It’s more of a motivational thing!

  17. Polar Vortex; The weather outside is frightful | Keeping goats dry, fed, & warm | CDC shirt update!!

    Polar Vortex; The weather outside is frightful | Keeping goats dry, fed, & warm | CDC shirt update!!

  18. What to expect when expecting, baby goat version! | Bringing out the big guns for Streusel

    What to expect when expecting, baby goat version! | Bringing out the big guns for Streusel

  19. EPIC Soap Making & Cutting | Cutting soap 180 bars | Making 20 bars of soap | Cut make compilation!

    EPIC Soap Making & Cutting | Cutting soap 180 bars | Making 20 bars of soap | Cut make compilation!

  20. Knife wielding goat try’s to stab me 🤔 | What? It was a motivational video! | Mississippi babies!

    Knife wielding goat try’s to stab me 🤔 | What? It was a motivational video! | Mississippi babies!
