CBDCs | "The System Is Broken And Eventually It Is Going to Collapse. They Want It to Collapse? They Have Something Better (For Them) In Mind And It Won't Involve the Traditional Use of Money At All. They Have This Thing Called CBDC." - Edw
De-Dollarization | Is De-Dollarization Happening Now?! BREAKING! USDebtClock.org Adds a Dollar Supply Countdown Feature & Is Currently On Pace to Be Completely Depleted By October 8th 2023?! See Yourself At: USDebtClock.Org
Kim Clement | Kim Clement's Daughter Donné Clement Petruska Breaks Down Kim Clement's Trump Prophecies Including: Trump Will Become a President, Two Terms, Stone, Gold, Mr. Clark, etc.
BRICS | Why Did Egypt & Nigeria Ditch the U.S. Dollar? "What Is a Robot? A Robot Could Be a Biological Robot. To Create a Sub-Category of Human Being."+ "The System Is Broken And Eventually It Is Going to Collapse." - Edward G. Gri
BRICS | Why Did Egypt Officially Ditch the U.S. Dollar? Why Is Nigeria No Longer Accepting U.S. Dollars As Payment for Oil & May Return to a Gold-Backed Currency + "The System Is Broken And Eventually It Is Going to Collapse." - Edward G. Gr
Mayor Rudy Giuliani | How Did Former New York Mayor Giuliani Turn Around New York City? | How Did Giuliani First Meet Trump? What Is the Broken Windows Theory? How Can Little Changes Make a Big Difference?
Julie Green | Julie Green Joins General Flynn to Discuss BRICS Nations De-Dollarizing World Economy + Russian Nuclear Submarine with Weapon Capable of Creating 1,600-ft 'Radioactive Tsunami' Disappearing from Arctic Harbor + 42 URGENT Updates
Dollar Collapse & Credit Crunch Coming Soon? | Is Persistent Inflation & Soaring Interest Rates Forcing Most Americans to Hit a Financial Breaking Point? Credit Card Interest Rates Hit 20.6% | QUICK SNAP Shot / Health Check of U.S. Economy
General Flynn | The Great Reset Now Coming for Our Guns, Gold & Our Basic American Freedoms? 6 URGENT FACTS!!! + "There's a Lot of Lying, Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers Out There About Global Warming." - President Biden + Remembering Benghazi