Introducing Jessie, Her Family, 14 Bloodlines of the Illuminati + This is Spiritual, It's Not Just a Religion but it's How the World is Governed, with Satan in Charge + Military Projects, Working with Spiritual Gates
Illuminati Recruiters and Criticism from Christians Who Say Only Focus Only on Jesus + Jessie's Mischief, Engaging with Satanists, The Lord Desires That None Shall Perish + How Else do You Get Them All Out?
Hierarchy Children Do Not Have an Easy Life, They Have To Take Part in Sex Magick and are Trained to Do Things in the Luciferian Brotherhood (including Murder) + Gloria Vanderbilt Showed Jessie How to Drown a Baby, Took In Its Last Breath
Hierarchy Children, Given Enemas as Part of their Conditioning + Beyoncé and Jay Z, They Use Signs for Comms + How to Behave in the Presence of Higher Ups in the System + Book of Job, Satan in the Throne Room of God