1. More Than Just BEES | There might be a Velociraptor or two in the bee yard. | #beekeeping #bees

    More Than Just BEES | There might be a Velociraptor or two in the bee yard. | #beekeeping #bees

  2. Reading The Bottom Board | The Bees Have a Story To Tell #beekeeping #insects

    Reading The Bottom Board | The Bees Have a Story To Tell #beekeeping #insects

  3. Neglected | What happens when I neglect beehives? #beekeeping #insects #bees

    Neglected | What happens when I neglect beehives? #beekeeping #insects #bees

  4. Where are all of the Drones? | Condensing beehives | #beekeeping #honey #beekeeping101 #bees

    Where are all of the Drones? | Condensing beehives | #beekeeping #honey #beekeeping101 #bees

  5. Installing 20 Bee Hives in the Bee Castle Bee Yard. | #beekeeping #beecastle #subaru #bees

    Installing 20 Bee Hives in the Bee Castle Bee Yard. | #beekeeping #beecastle #subaru #bees

  6. 28F Massive Swarm | Get these bees off my head! #bees #swarm #beekeeping #insects

    28F Massive Swarm | Get these bees off my head! #bees #swarm #beekeeping #insects

  7. Is the Flow Hive / Flow Hive 2 worth it? My opinion on the Flow Hive vs. Langstroth

    Is the Flow Hive / Flow Hive 2 worth it? My opinion on the Flow Hive vs. Langstroth

  8. Split a hive to stop a swarm. - The hunt for the Teal Queen results in a change of plans.

    Split a hive to stop a swarm. - The hunt for the Teal Queen results in a change of plans.

  9. Beekeeping is about problem solving. Bees do what bees do and beekeepers just assist.

    Beekeeping is about problem solving. Bees do what bees do and beekeepers just assist.

  10. I Can't Do This Anymore | It's time to make a change. #beekeeping #bees #beecastle

    I Can't Do This Anymore | It's time to make a change. #beekeeping #bees #beecastle

  11. Chaos in the Bee Yard! | Long day of inspections followed by massive swarm. #beekeeping #bees

    Chaos in the Bee Yard! | Long day of inspections followed by massive swarm. #beekeeping #bees

  12. Easy Way To Mark Queens | Removing Heaters |White and Blue Inspection | #beekeeping #insects #bees

    Easy Way To Mark Queens | Removing Heaters |White and Blue Inspection | #beekeeping #insects #bees

  13. It's WAR - Hive Beeetles Vs. Juno and her troops. Dearth, Hive Beetles, & Honeybees. #beekeeping

    It's WAR - Hive Beeetles Vs. Juno and her troops. Dearth, Hive Beetles, & Honeybees. #beekeeping

  14. From honey bound to beetle bound - Time for the Killing Board! #beekeeping

    From honey bound to beetle bound - Time for the Killing Board! #beekeeping

  15. Bomb Cyclone | Freezing Temps | Property Damage | Will the bees freeze? #beekeeping #insects

    Bomb Cyclone | Freezing Temps | Property Damage | Will the bees freeze? #beekeeping #insects

  16. The Taste Test : Sugar syrup, honey, or dextrose, what will the bees prefer. #beekeeping

    The Taste Test : Sugar syrup, honey, or dextrose, what will the bees prefer. #beekeeping
